Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What About the Death Question?

Alfred Brown's Death Sentence....this man raped and then strangled to death a 15-year old girl in 1980 and is supposed to be put to death sometime this week I believe but there seems to be a problem with the experation of the lethal injection on Friday. Is the life of the 15 year old now worth the life of this man?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Facebook at its Best

This is pretty self-explanitory and just funny: The "Where's Waldo Bandit"
There's this guy who robs a bank and then talks about it on facebook and explains hes doing it to pay for his medical expenses and everything. Of course, he's then taken inby the FBI.

My Reflection on Discussion 9/22

The discussion we had on wednesday was the first one we've had in this class and I think it went pretty well. We went off topic a bit but they all had connectionsto the main topic. There were good points made for and against sb1070, I can't deny that. When I got to talk I kind of got lost in what I was saying and forgot what point I was getting to but it's okay, I'll make up for it in later discussions.Although we didn't get to disscuss this I think a question I would have liked to ask was: Is there a way that the border could be filtered, not how it is now, to where the criminals coming through and putting a bad name to the innocent can be detained and the innocent let in, settling uneasiness on both sides of the issue?