Thursday, December 9, 2010


 Today in class, Adrian and I counted all the letters we have so far. There were like 170. It isn't close to what we had hoped for but we're not done yet. I won't be dissapointed if we don't make our goal because we are still going to make a good amount of soldiers and there are a lot of really good, inspiring letters in the ones that we do have and those make it all worth it. At lunch, I  went to help out for a little but then I had to leave to a meeting. Tomorrow, I want to count the letters again I think were going to have almost double.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

O.G 12/8

I got to school on time! Adrian, Brendyn, and I went to present our cause to Mrs. Bockman's class. Aside from the blank early morning stares, it went very well. I really believe that these people get our good intentions, we just need to keep pushing them because people will tend to forget things that aren't mandatory.Tonight, since we ran out of ribbons to give away, I told my mom if she could bring me a roll of it tomorrow so that I can make more.

O.G. 12/7

Today, I was late to class so I didn't get to go do presntations. I took advantage of the time and i finished one of the posters I had started.I was going to make ribbons but 2nd period is doing those. I hope to be joining the lunch campaign tomorrow and I'll make sure to be on time to school.

Monday, December 6, 2010

O.G.- 12/6

Today in class I talked with Ernie about talking to our second period class, Ceramics, during that class hour so that we can appreciate the time during 1st to go to classes we don't already spend time in. I also talked to Billy and we mentioned being a three-person group with Adrian for during-class presentations. Tomorrow we get to go around and do our presentations and I'm actually not nervous at all. I feel confident with this project.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

O.G- 10/2

 Today in class, I worked on a poster. For the begining of class, I just thought for a while to see if i knew how to make a scarf; but, after that, I started my poster. I'm not much of an artist but I'll do it anyways.:)..Earlier afternoon, I asked my mom how much it cost for a roll of ribbon at wholesale and I found out and she can get it for us tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Women in Afghanistan

This is a video report on a 18 year old girl, at least to me she still is, who, married at 11, was trying to show her anger and possibly end her life by setting herself on fire. She set herself on fire because she had had it with her older husband who is a drug addict. she stopped in the middle of it because she thought of her children.She is in extreme pain and after a couple weeks she has no choice but to go back to her home with her husband. Currently, there is a women in government who is working on getting more rights for these women who are at the mercy of their men. She is a hero.